February 4, 2014 By Erika Morphy

WASHINGTON, DC-Fannie Mae provided $28.8 billion in financing to the multifamily market last year. Or put another way, it financed 507,000 units of multifamily housing, almost all of which, or 99%, were through MBS execution. Like its brother organization Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae met the Federal Housing Finance Agencys goal to reduce multifamily volumes by 10% relative to 2012 levelsa requirement that caused some maneuvering on the part of originators but also led them to successfully seek out new opportunities.

Another stat of note: Over 85% of the multifamily units financed by Fannie Mae in 2013 were affordable housing.

Fannie Mae distributed these funds throughout the market via its Delegated Underwriting and Servicing (DUS) program, which is based on shared risk with lenders. “As the competitive landscape heats up in 2014, we will rely on the strength of our delegated model and the flexibility of our single loan MBS to help our lenders achieve their production goals as we continue to build a solid book of business,” says Hilary Provinse, VP for Multifamily Customer Engagement at Fannie Mae, in a prepared statement.

Above are the top 10 DUS lenders that produced the highest volume in 2013, as well as the top 5 DUS Lenders that produced the highest volume in the multifamily affordable housing and seniors housing categories in 2013.(c) Copyright 2014 GlobeSt.com. All rights Reserved.