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The beautiful and diverse landscape of the town area of Eugene-Springfield holds a lot of great aspects for those looking to move there, and it also provides opportunities for those looking to invest in apartment complexes and commercial real estate buildings.

Selling in Eugene-Springfield

Growing Population

The Eugene-Springfield area in Oregon is home to many opportunities for real estate investors. The population currently stands at 215,823 and has grown at about a 3% rate annually for the past three years. The United State’s population is growing below a 1% annual rate, which helps show that this area is on the up and coming.

We can partially attribute this growth in population around the area to a wide array of employment opportunities available for incoming residents. Apartment complex ownership provides a unique investment opportunity in the area due to the fast-growing economy and population, as well as a strong reliance on rental properties.

Selling in Eugene-Springfield

Beautiful Landscape & Outdoor Activities

Incoming Eugene-Springfield residents also come here to enjoy the beautiful outdoor recreation activities that the area has to offer. There are plenty of biking and hiking trails, and people who pride themselves on being “outdoorsy” love what the area has to offer in that regard. The Willamette Valley that surrounds Eugene-Springfield provides residents with beautiful views and a peaceful landscape to enjoy.

Locals also get to enjoy a large number of parks in Eugene, which makes it easy to get outside and enjoy the environment. Some popular parks in the area include Hendrick’s Park, Skinner Butte Park, and Alton Baker Park to name a few.

Selling in Eugene-Springfield

Large Reliance On Rental Properties

The best part about investing in an apartment complex in Eugene-Springfield is the large reliance on rental properties that we mentioned. About 52% of the population currently home to the area are renters. This provides investors with a unique opportunity that has less risk than other real estate investments, due to the sheer amount of the population seeking to rent a living or work-oriented space.

The diverse community within the area is welcoming to all types of people and carries a somewhat progressive view, similar to Portland. Regardless of political views, this will help the area continue to grow and become an economic hub of Oregon, as all kinds of people from different racial and political backgrounds looking to work are drawn in.

Transportation is also relatively easy in the Eugene-Springfield area. It is very easy to bike around the area, and riding the bus is a breeze, which is useful for people who rely on public transportation for their work commute. There is also a high-speed emX bus available for residents that goes from Eugene Station to Springfield.


Selling in Eugene-Springfield

Strong Local Food Scene

There is also a strong local food scene that influences the area. The community is home to farmers, food producers, brewers, winemakers, and chefs. Inside the town, there are plenty of restaurants for locals to enjoy, paired with a lively bar scene, especially during times that the University of Oregon students are in town.

Having a great local food scene allows new residents to quickly develop a connection to local culture. The area puts a focus on “farm-to-table” eating, which makes sense considering the surrounding landscape and community members involved in farming and food production.

For those interested in the beer scene in the Eugene-Springfield area, there is a famous store called Bier Stein that sticks out. The store holds over 1,000 kinds of beer to choose from, and it is located just south of Eugene.

Why We Love Springfield

While investing in an apartment complex requires a greater level of involvement and capital to invest, we believe that Eugene-Springfield provides a unique environment for a complex to thrive in. The large portion of renters provides plenty of tenants to bring into your building.

The large amount of job opportunities bringing people into the area also provides investment opportunities within the commercial real estate space. Office space is needed to support the fast-growing population and job market within the area, and your investment can help foster that growth and make you money.  

Commercial real estate investing provides an adequate risk to reward investment, especially when carried out in the right locations. Your investment in a complex can provide you with a steady income stream, as well as asset appreciation over a long period of time.

The bottom line is that this community is growing quickly and for good reason. The welcoming population is easy to get acquainted with, and the area provides so many benefits for incoming residents. The high percentage of residents who rely on rental properties continue to make the area a great real estate investment opportunity, whether it is through an apartment complex or commercial real estate.

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